Brain health is strongly correlated to gut health and to proper nutrients. Issues like leaky gut syndrome can wreak havoc on your emotions. Other nutrient deficiencies can also change your mental state into a less-than-optimal one. We know this from experience and have tested a lot of programs and supplements over the years and researched this subject thoroughly. Our program is a no-fluff approach that uses the most effective treatments. We also work in concert with a naturopath, Dr. Michael Karlfeldt, for additional testing and therapies when needed. 

We can help you dial in your mental performance through a Brain Health program, including:

  • Specific tests for gut health and nutrient levels
  • Recommended therapies based on your labs that might include supplements, diets, neurotherapies
  • Support as you progress
  • Track progress
  • Celebrate improvement
  • Maintain for the long-term

Managing the rigors of life when the brain is imbalanced can be like walking a tight rope - unsteady and unpleasant for long periods of time.

Please reach out if you'd like to discuss how our brain health nutrition program may be just what you need to optimize your mental performance!